Going Back
The car's in the shop, but this time it's just routine maintenance. I was supposed to drive back today but a look at the service manual told me I'd just better go and get the poor car a little tune up. Peace of mind, and all that. PLUS I'll be driving alone, and the Ox does not fancy getting stuck halfway anywhere.
My brother arrived from Kulim yesterday (yay!) and so I'll be going back for a nice stress-free weekend of gaming and babysitting and food (not that I need any, I am SO fat) until Sunday, when the plan is to bring him over here for a couple days before he shoots back to Perak.
So until I come back, hope everyone has a good weekend, and as usual:
If you can't be good, be bloody careful yeah?
And here's a complimentary link o' the day for ya: Mindball, then read about Gmail's sneaky approach to beat the crap out of MSN and Yahoo! Woohooo!
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