Tuesday, June 15


Note to self: getting up at four thirty can be very good for the body, but hell on the mind. Therefore, will blog in disjointed threads ala Bridget Jones, wanton sex goddess bladibla...but without the sex. At all.

Early part of day spent in blur of sorts as took dad to Harun Din's clinic in Bangi and spent rest of it bonding with parents. Since this is not routine or normal, am still adjusting to whole concept (plus illnesses in parents always help kick sense into brain). Prodigal son is transforming into v.obedient son. Ramifications and consequences so far unknown.

Drove to Bangi at about 5, after being last to wake up (damn you, internet!). Session with healer was faster than expected, owing perhaps to early presence at the site. V. lucky to be early, as large numbers of people were congregating outside clinic, clutching bottles of water and each other. Whole affair was quite methodical: fill in form with name and short synopsis of complaint/illness, get issued a number and wait for turn. When called, said healer (having speed read the sheet) will go through specific prayers/Quranic verses pertaining to each individual case, plus advice on things to avoid. V. efficient, only wish own office was equally fast. Bah. Water off a duck's back, it is. Too early to tell if any favourable results, but hoping it works for the best. May send dad to do another series of tests in different hospital. Mum seems inclined to agree, which is good.

Took dad, who felt slightly better for breakfast, and as noted above, decided to just hang around with parents (unusual, but warranted) for the rest of the day. Throughout whole morning and afternoon was struck by how dad insists on propriety and covering of aurat, something I may not be able to guarantee 100% if the choice were up to me (although if marrying stalker this is already in the bag). Also, v. strong political views may limit potential mates to similar like minded individuals(?).

Creepy. But if similar individuals turn out to be wanton sex goddesses with sense of humour, then am not so creeped. Note to self: compromise is necessary, but with any luck may end up with mate who prefers sex to be functional.

One more note to self: do not think these thoughts too often. Nads shrinking in fear.

On other note, Yahoo is giving 100 megs of space for emails, increasing total space on both accounts to 1.1 GB. God bless healthy competition. Back home the only healthy type we have is for text messages on mobiles. On second thought, God bless us (we need it badly). Are we doomed to be a country of twitching text-crazy designer-wearing zombies?

Since am sleepy, will now lay on bed and fantasise about intelligent, funny naked women with nice tits engaging in witty repartee. Er. On second thought, maybe not.

