Thursday, June 3

Going Back

I'm worried.

My mum called again, and apparently my dad's not feeling too well. By itself, this would be nothing new, since he's always extra busy whenever school hols are on and he tends to get a bit tired. A few days rest, some meds and he'll be alright.

This time, though, she's a bit disturbed. According to her my dad only gets sick when he comes back to the house. At the office he's alright, but every night for a couple weeks he's been having strange temperature changes. He's gone for blood tests and the like, and is supposed to go for another checkup tomorrow. I may go back this weekend, just to see how everything's going and also to allay my mum's fears.

You see, she's scared that someone's trying to hurt the family. Again. Normally I'm not a superstitious fellow, but in the last 10 years I've seen, heard and felt things that for all my scientific background I can't explain. This includes several episodes when we first moved into our new house of feeling malign presences, for want of a better word.

And then there was the time that strange red ball flew into the house and exploded in the kitchen. Call me silly, but I know only too well what someone with enough time and effort could do to another. Plus, coming from a family that has branches dabbling in water spirits and the like, my late grandfather instilled in us a kind of belief in the unseen (also his arguing with disembodied voices in the middle of the night kinda helped). Granted, my dad's not been the most unnoticeable persona in our small town. With his strong political stance and sometimes barbed comments (now I know where THAT comes from) it's inevitable that at least some people feel a bit..threatened. Perhaps enough to seek help from more sinister beings.

Of course, all this could be unfounded, and it may just be my dad's contracted some sort of viral sickness or flu. The visit to the specialist centre tomorrow may clear everything up. Still, I'm ready to go back, if only to make sure he's alright, and also to see if there's something else lurking around the edges.

And yes, just to put my mother's fears to rest.

Later, folks.
