Thursday, June 17

Sign Of The Times

I never considered myself to be any kind of a prude (to a reasonable extent of course). My experiences in life so far have taught me to be wary of passing judgements too fast, since there's always another side to any story.

However, something just strikes me as being wrong about this picture. Give it a looksie, and see if you can see anything out of the ordinary.

No? Look at the girl nearer to you, and look at her hand.

Sure, it looks natural enough, except that the girls were no older than thirteen. I took this picture during dinner in SS15 tonight. The girls came into the shop, sat down and after several minutes of furtive glancing the taller of the two got up, bought a ciggie, lighted it and sat down.

I've been around some form of smoker for most of my adolescent and now adult life, and I can tell a seasoned puffer from someone who just wants to be cool. Unfortunately this girl belonged to the latter. Now you may say what's the big deal? It's her choice.

True, but at 13 how many of us were informed and mature enough to make smart choices? Maybe I'm getting old, or maybe my tolerance for these things have gone down considerably. What I do know is it doesn't matter if it was a boy or a girl (I think the fact that a group of boys were sitting nearby helped). It still looks unnatural to me.

Times really have changed. Perhaps in Subang, you need to be cool to continue existing. God knows I see it in enough adults. And speaking of adults, the shop worker made a travesty of the "illegal to sell to underage person" sticker.

