Saturday, November 8

The Ox in Dunedin

Hi people.

Sorry for the delay, but I've been kinda..busy. Sorting out priorities and stuff. Have to admit, I miss blogging regularly, so I guess it IS true: blogging's a part of myself now, for good OR bad. I hope the weather's alright in Malaysia, since it's really windy here. I can stand it so far, but I have a fear of being greatly underdressed, hehehe.

This trip's important to me in more ways than one. Maybe someday I'll blog about it (or even tell some of you) but for now, here's what I can say: It's a personal oddyssey, and one that will forever change my perception of life. I can only pray God gives me the strength to complete it. I have no complaints, though. Life likes to throw curveballs. And like bad boy Robbie Williams said:

No regrets, they don't work
No regrets, they only hurt.

Have a good weekend, my friends.
