Friday, December 10

Ash.ox Does Eflix Part One

Everyone knows I love movies on any format, and these days I seem to love DVD more than others. Therefore when a friend mentioned Eflix (Link), my curiosity was more than piqued. A Netflix (Link) clone here, in Malaysia? It sounded too good to be true. Too good, in fact that I decided that before I hastily urge my readers (yes all three of you again, hello) to all register for this service I would personally give Eflix the Ash.ox treatment.

What this essentially means, is that I will be putting Eflix through its paces and finding out if they really have what it takes to get recommended, at least by this movie buff. So in the meantime, keep tuning in as I venture into the hitherto unknown realm of legal online DVD rentals which will begin very, very soon -

or actually, as soon as I get my pay this month. Aheheh. Till then, have a good weekend!


By the way, if anyone happens to listen to the radio ad for Female magazine's special screening of the final two episodes of Sex and The City, can they tell me if I'm wrong in thinking the ad purposely censored the ad by replacing the actual title of the series with "a popular original HBO series" right after mentioning Samantha, Charlotte and Big? I mean, what's the point when you've got the theme playing in the background and the characters' names spouted left right and centre?

Or maybe I'm just too paranoid as usual..
