Monday, December 6

Monday Starts Off With Pr0naoke!

During the drive to work just now, as Baz Luhrmann was telling me the benefits of sunscreen I glanced outside and saw a flock of birds heading somewhere (north, south, don't ask me, I still get lost in KL) in a perfect V formation. It was somehow amazing, and I realised that though this may have happened with some regularity all my life, it was the first time I actually noticed it.

And then it occurred: my very own Reader's Digest moment.

For some inexplicable reason, I knew things would be okay. They will be difficult, but they will also be okay. Don't ask me how, or why. It's a Reader's Digest moment, remember?

Anyway, as a distraction, have some pr0n. Oops, maybe not exactly pr0n, but pr0naoke (Link). Heheheh.
