Sunday, March 30

Hello again, blog-people. Start of a new tons of updates! Well not tons, actually..just a bit. Day Three of Uncertain Singlehood has now been officially changed to Day One of Healing. Yes folks, things are starting to get better. I think it's even showing in my writing! How did this amazing change come about? All in good read on.

Weather totally sucked yesterday. Managed to meet up with my friend, and then went to MegaMall to catch a movie. First time I was there in a month. I've realised this time and time never actually notice the people around you until you're alone. Suddenly, every other couple's laugh, hug, shared kiss, and handholding becomes amplified..and I realised that even being in the middle of the throng, I felt totally and completely alone. Yeah, my friend was there..but then, he's a guy..and so far, I've yet to meet a guy I can tell these things to without seeming like a total fag. That's what the blog is for. I actually went to all the places and shops we used to go..the bookstore (yeah, we both read! I don't know about you, but for me that's sexy as hell..) where I almost bought a CLEO before remembering that she wouldn't be at home to read it. Saw that ZARA was opening and actually made a mental note to tell her. Went for sushi and almost ordered an unagi set to share..Yep, old habits die really hard.

Anyway, my friend, the good guy that he was, thought I needed some cheering up and bought tickets to Hot Chick. Awesome movie. Not in a box office sense, but more of a silly, quick cheerer-upper (I don't think your English teacher knows that word). I think that helped a lot. All in all, would have been an okay end to an average day. But then, God sent one of those small miracles I usually take for granted. (Actually maxis did, but I'm not gonna anger the Big Guy. You rule!) An (A?) SMS message. From my girlfriend.

She was online, she missed me, and she wanted to talk. I nearly jumped out of my seat. Now imagine being in a cinema where the movie's at least half an hour from ending, and the person you thought you lost sent you a message like that. I have never wished for the ability to teleport home more than at that moment. However, since I exist, unfortunately, in a mostly realistic world (and I think my miracle quota for the day was full) I could only tell her I'd be home later. She sounded disappointed...and I held my breath. Then came the three words that pretty much turned the whole day around : I love you.

Yay! I think I'll put a cliffhanger here. Updates Promise!
