Monday, October 27

It's Barely 8 and I am Thirsty, LoL

Can't believe it's Ramadhan all over again. Feels like 03's moving so fast. It's good, cause it's one of my favourite times of the year..but it's also scary for a number of reasons. Religious issues aside, I'll have to come up with something concrete for my PhD proposal if I ever want to leave this year. Got a lot riding on it, so I hope the next few weeks will give me the clarity to actually start drafting the thing. Then there's the research, but hopefully I can tackle that.

In other news, looks like DVD aficionados in Malaysia can breathe easy again. Supply's back, and the range is as extensive as ever. Even saw Kill Bill Volume 1 and Underworld on sale, among other things. Made me realise something: in Germany, DVDs cost around 15-25 Euros. Which would be fine by me, especially if I was earning that particular currency. I think what gets on my nerves is that here we don't have that kind of purchasing power. A good original DVD would still set me back at least a hundred bucks, which sucks. Ditto for games. I'd stick with originals if I can help it, but not when they cost RM 299 each (and we're talking console games here, folks).

Sigh. Anyway, I managed to snag some DVDs yesterday, and may be putting up some reviews soon. I got:

1) City of God (Brazillian movie, looks good)
2) Monty Python's The Meaning of Life (intriguing)
3) Robocop 1 and 2 (I'm an 80s child, what can I say)

Joe snagged a copy of Kill Bill and Infernal Affairs 1 and 2, which should provide some solid hours of enjoyment. All in all, I spent a bit (insert guilty expression) but I thought it was worth it. In my very own twisted sense, of course. I highly recommend that other people not do as I do and concentrate on more fruitful pursuits, heheh. Well, I'm off..have a good week and a good Ramadhan!

P/s: Don't overdo it on the buka puasa, will you guys? (I'm actually quite proud of myself, had cornflakes for sahur instead of rice, heheh)
