Tuesday, August 31

The Results Show

One hour past Hari Kebangsaan and I've had a bit too much TV.

Thanks for everyone who's helped vote for a name you think you'd like to surf over to in the near future, and also thank you particularly for your often enlightening comments. It's always interesting to know the overall opinion of my professional and experienced readers regarding the choice of sitenames (most of them I just came up with in 5 minutes and decided to share), my mental capacity for creativity, and all that.

Thus ends the first round of brainstorming and voting. I predict sometime in the future there will be a second round, but due to some extenuating circumstances it looks like I won't be moving after all. A false alarm, unfortunately.

So anyway, a big thank you to everyone who's been kind enough to vote and comment, I assure you all this will be taken into consideration when I finally get my own domain.

Till then, goodnight, and have a good Tuesday.
