Saturday, October 9

Jazzed Up Vengeance

It's been an interesting weekend, thus far.

There's been jazz, Singaporean actress/singer/performer combos, Big Spender (ahh), friend meetups, vastly enlightening tidbits, stalker alerts, meetups that didn't happen, and Malaysian Idol, among other things.

In case anyone doesn't already know, Jac won.

Anyway. There's a lot brewing in the mind of the Ox this weekend, and some of them are very unpleasant. Scratch that. Very very very unpleasant. But what's life without cause for revenge?

Anyway, I've finally finished the first episode in the Star Wars original trilogy boxset durian version (read: pirated) ie Star Wars IV: A New Hope, and I have to say that:

1) If there's truly a movie that withstands generations, this is one of them, and

2) Damn I really need to get myself the original set.

Maybe I'm just too much of a nostalgic fool, but there's something in the formula Lucas came up with those 20 odd years ago that still works, even on this cynical mean geek. I mean, I've probably seen the whole trilogy in almsot all its versions (TV broadcast, VHS, VCD, LD, fake DVD and now finally on the official release) but after every few years when I re-watch them it still strikes me that though the effects will seem more and more dated and the holes in the science become bigger and bigger, the essential story works, and that perhaps matters most of all.

I'll have a piece on the trilogy posted once I finish watching all three episodes again, so until then have a good weekend, and remember:

If you can't be good, be bloody careful.

Drive safe, and cheers!
