Tuesday, October 12

Snoots, And Child-Blogs

If it's one thing I can't stand, it's childlike, immature behaviour from supposed "learned" people. Sure, I grant that everyone needs a moment to entertain their inner child every once in awhile, but when you are in charge of a blog (that unfortunately has its fair share of readers), and said blog reflects huge amounts of ignorance, prejudice and downright mean-ness, I say that personally, you're no better than a 3 year old child who throws tantrums just because no one thinks he should get the candy.


In other news, I got a call from a friend early this evening. He's about to get married in December, but he's in a bit of a bind because his fiancee comes from a well to do family, and he doesn't. So far he's gotten hints from some of her relatives that he's just not good enough for her, and that there will be a whole set of different, unspoken "rules" he will have to adhere to.

How wonderful.

I couldn't really say anything to allay his fears except just listen and tell him that if he has faith in the union, he should go on. Knowing a little about the wife to be, I understand that it's not her fault, but it's just another one of those things that people in Malaysia seem to excel at:

putting on airs.

Once, I was there as well. I remember what it was like, coming in between an arranged marriage that not even the daughter knew of until it was too late. There were threats, full blown tantrums, secret, furtive dates.

Needless to say, that didn't work out. It's been brought to my attention again and again that for some families at least, it's important to maintain the status quo, at all costs. If you're living in an affluent area, have lived overseas for a number of years and the son/daughter (though as far as I've seen this leans heavily towards the latter) has finished a degree or worked overseas, you can expect a certain level of..snootishness. What's funny sometimes is the fact that some of these new "snoots" conveniently forget they were once, like all us others out there.

And then there's the unspoken code of conduct that you're expected to follow, especially if you're unattached (don't talk to these people, don't go there, don't eat here, don't shop there...) Times like these, I'm very glad I'm me.

So to my friend out there, I wish you the best, dude. It's gonna be tough, but they DO say love (and effort) can go a long way.

Or so they say.

Ash.Singleton.Ox over and out.
