Tuesday, September 16

Of Anger and Photos (Warning, Profanity Ahead)

I. Am. Bloody. Pissed. Again.

(sigh) This does not bode well, friends. Here I am, barely 2 days into my work week after 1113km on the road (and that's exact!), and already I find myself getting bloody irritated by the walking abominations that claim to be humans and worse still, educators. I don't generally whine about my workload. Okay, that's another lie. I complain every once in awhile, but honestly I wouldn't know what I'd do with myself if I didn't have so many things to do. Give me a task, explain to me what you want, and I'll be happy to do it. Really. Teach, organise a seminar, tutor a new subject, anything. Really.

What I can't stand is when some people think they can get away with just dumping THEIR work on me and washing their hands of it after. Now that's just plain bad form. Let me illuminate. This is an excerpt from a REAL conversation, in a REAL meeting:

Evilcolleague1: Of course you'll have to handle the MC-ing, since well..you know, our English is not that great.
Evilcolleague2: And besides, we're married!
Me: Puzzled look (Thinking: what the hell does THAT have to do with anything?)
Evilcolleagues in unison: And of course during the tour of the city, you'll be the designated guide, since we're married and can't possibly entertain those Mat Sallehs! *Titters and giggles* Besides, it's good exposure for you!
Me: Right. (Thinking: Ookay. Be calm. Please for God's sake do NOT strangle these loathsome creatures.)

2 weeks later: Another meeting.

EvilC1: Oh, and before I forget. We're not going to be there for the tours and all, you know. We have to run back ASAP, since we're married. By the way, could you also get a case or two of mineral water for the day trip?
Me: (Sputtering) Why can't (you lazy c**** get it your fucking selves) you just get it at Warta in Bangi?
Them: Oh, Warta? Okay then..as long as you go get it. And use your money first, yeah?
Me: (Voice raised slightly.) My dears, I've just come back from a trip that nearly cost me a thousand ringgit, alright?
Them: Oooh! We're sure it's no big deal. We'll pass some cash to you, as long as you buy it.

Can someone tell me what is wrong with this picture? Before anyone gets the wrong idea, I have no problems with buying mineral water, scrubbing toilets or anything else for that matter. God knows 10 years in boarding school teaches a guy to tough it out and make the best out of anything. Call me an idealist, but I've always been taught to be responsible, and to a greater degree, accountable. When you're given a responsibility, it's perfectly alright to delegate duties. I believe in teamwork very much, thank you. But dumping it all on one person and at the same time using the lame excuse of being married to wash your filthy hands of it..that is just plain...rude. And no, it doesn't only happen to me. I've seen some of my younger colleagues actually burst into tears. It's like just because of some perceived, invisible seniority, you get the pick of who to humiliate. It's difficult to talk about it, in a blog entry. Maybe some of my friends will be unlucky enough to hear of it from me mouth.


And then you have the gall to ask us why we don't write research papers, knowing full well it's your stupid blinking irresponsibility that prevents us from spending our time actually DOING something constructive. You, who call yourselves scientists and researchers in the field of Information Science, too blinking blinded by your half-failed marriages to even realise that the technology has gone way, waay over your heads. You who wouldn't know a blog if one came and kicked you in the fanny, and who think email publishing is still the wave of the future. Well wake up and smell the dust, grannies. It's ALREADY the freaking future, and you're a disgrace to the whole community. Need I mention the glee on your faces as you proudly boast of spending 4 years in the UK and not improving a smidgen of your English? Your scoffing jokes as the University spends thousands of dollars to send you to conferences and courses to improve your teaching?

Oh, and one other thing. Just a small thing, really. How the hell does being married prevent you from MC-ing a c***fion (function, and that was de-fucking-liberate)/acting as a tour guide? Afraid the esteemed visitors from abroad will want to fondle your nonexistent breasts or do the nasty with you on the bus seats? Grow a brain, and get a life. Opportunities to better yourselves served on a silver platter, and all you can do is run home. Well you all do just that, then. Us new batch of lecturers (we have the same freakin title, for God's sake), we know how it goes. And we'll work our arses off to make sure our uni stops producing floating shit like you (if you MUST know, healthy shit sinks) and that maybe someday, we'll be proud of ourselves and the work we've done.

God willing, we'll make something good yet. Amen.

P/S: In the meantime, check out my fotopage for something a little less stressful.
