Tuesday, January 6

Tender Timed Young Turkey


6th day of new year, and am still groggy from temporal transition thingy (how's that for an excuse?). Of course, you can also read it as: I have no mood to work. Gah.

People coming back from sunny, beach-y vacations are supposed to be refreshed, rejuvenated and all that. I think that under my layer of crispy fried skin those qualities are hidden, somewhere (note to self: having almost written quailities instead of qualities, must find witty way to incorporate that into another blog entry).

Anyway. Have decided to wear glasses the whole day as to hide raccoon-like mask that has formed after several hours of intense killer equatorial sun. On another note, have managed to come to terms quite surprisingly that am still quite in love with person who (in all probability) may not be able to reciprocate. Time for another note to self, I think (tough luck. Think this unrequited love thing's personal? It happens to everyone someplace somewhere somewhen).

Hmm. Stomach grumbling, and have a little brunch thing with friends. Yes. Friends are nice to hang with. They say funny things, insult you (in the most wonderful way) and generally forgive you those stupid things you tend to do from time to time.

See you later, blog. The Ox is off.
