Tuesday, February 17

Triple Tuesday Thoughts
Listening to hitz.fm today while driving to work, I was reminded again how much of a sucker I am for happy endings (or beginnings). The Irritators (as I name the two weirdos on air) were interviewing the winners of the Cornetto blind date contest. I guess the contestants got lucky: they actually seemed to like each other even after the unveiling. For this Ox, hopefully they'll stay friends at least. Every little bit of happiness (even if it is contrived) helps me along the day. Hmm. I wonder what this says about me?

Kill Bill. Kill Bill. Oh my God. I finally realised what I've been missing these past few months. I bought the DVD a couple days back and popped it into the player out of curiosity. I must say that it was perhaps one of the best hours spent watching any movie, and I mean ever. Rarely are new films instantly transformed in classics (in my book at least). Kill Bill is one of them. The story's your basic revenge affair, but the way it's told...ah Quentin. 70's camp, anime, his own brand of peculiar dialogue and before I forget, the copious amounts of blood spraying along (some courtesy of GoGo Yubari) instantly makes this one of the best films of the past year. And Sonny Chiba's in it!! *drool*.

Ahem. Anyway, I can't wait for the sequel. Till then, repeat viewings of Uma Thurman cutting off appendages will have to do. Related Trivia: Julie Dreyfuss who plays Sophie was a judge on Iron Chef.

We're inevitably pushed along our lives whether we want to or not. I begin to realise that after all is said and done, there can be no absolute certainty, not about anything. We try and give ourselves hope, create dreams so we can move on. Oftentimes promises turn out for naught and hopes are shattered. The road ahead's scary, since everything feels so rushed. Sometimes I imagine that all I'm going through now is a memory, and that I'm somewhere in the future reminiscing to my grandkids, that I've found what I've been looking for, fought for it and won it.

I'm weird that way. But then, thinking like that gives me hope that maybe I can win, even when it seems so far away.
