Wednesday, February 11

It's That Time Again..

(This post inspired in part by Rudy and Jason Lo's antics on this morning)

So apparently, one of the most important (it depends on how you look at it) days in any couple's life is just around the corner. That's right, V-Day's coming (although I'm sure some men will have since named it D-day). Amazing how time flies, and as usual we can look forward to all manner of promotions, hair raising price hikes and a sudden profusion of red in malls, stores and restaurants, not to mention all sorts of fluffy toys, jewellery and the like.

How frightening it can be. Already some people I know are nervous (mostly men) wondering what to get their other halves, how much money to spend, where to book dinner (if you still haven't by today, you're probably screwed) and how (this is the most difficult one) to properly surprise the partner. Fellow Singletons lament the fact that they'll probably be in front of the telly eating in while attempting not to succumb to the temptation of watching whatever heart rending movie in on show that night. Fellas, do what I do and get mucho DVDs. Preferably action-chop-socky ones. Yet others hate the very concept, remarking again how gullible we are to be fooled by the marketing blitz that hits every February. And then let's not forget those who condemn it as an instrument of the Devil.


Since I am by definition a Singleton, I won't try and advise you people on what to do or not to do. There are as many different relationship types out there as there are stars (okay, I'm exaggerating, but then again don't think it's as easy as the mags want you to think) and as far as I know there's no sure-fire way to make whatever you've planned work. Except that teeny-weeny little thing called effort. In my experience, what dazzles a woman more than the actual cost or size (!) of the thing is the effort taken to procure/present it. It's all in the presentation, some might say. Did you do your homework? Did you notice what she hinted at liking/not liking? There are a dozen different variables for any given moment, but usually it all boils down to the thought, and once again, effort. It's no use getting her that humongous stuffed teddy when a smaller one to wrap up a totally care and fight free night of romance would do just as well. We men sometimes lack imagination, even when we have it in spades. So leave off fantasising over Jordan or Britney for a couple days and put it to good use. And always remember, surprises don't have to be expensive.

There. That's it. I don't know if it's even valid anymore, but it's worth a try. For those of you celebrating, have a good one. For those of you not, have a good weekend. As for me, I'll be in front of the telly, hoping I don't run out of DVDs.

