Friday, April 2

Closing Of Accounts

There I was, my copy of Dawn of The Dead in my hand, ready to pop it into the DVD player, when I switched to channel 17 on Astro. Instead of Ripleys or Now See This, I saw My Best Friend's Wedding. Guess what happened next.

Yup. I sat down, made myself comfortable and watched. There is an unspoken understanding in my head that an important test to see how far I've progressed in the past year is to be able to watch that movie without breaking down midway, or ending up all wistful and whatnot. The good news is, I think I passed. As I watched that delightful little tale, I realised that I've grown out of the sad soporific cloud I've been in for the past 13 months. There was no regret and no pain. What there was, was acceptance, and a little nostalgic buzz in the left side of my chest.

I've finally let go. As much as I miss what I was a part of, I know now that the person has found her peace, and that I should finally accept mine. As the credits rolled, I was amazed at how much I didn't really feel anything, except that little buzz I talked about earlier. Like Will Hung says, I tried my best, and it didn't work. Of course, there were those moments that I sensed that familiar distress peeking out, but otherwise the Ox is officially closing that book.

No one can know where the paths we walk in life take us. If we did, it wouldn't be any fun. So for tonight, I'll chalk this up as a Personal Milestone Achievement Moment. Funny how it takes a Julia Robert flick to act as a gauge, but hey, it worked, I passed and I'm damn proud of it.

Have a good weekend, people.
