Monday, March 31 finally home. Left the office late cause had a discussion of sorts with a senior colleague. Always good to get some tips on what to expect in the next couple years. And another seems the newer batch of lecturers are not so bad as I thought. Maybe there's still hope after all. However, the slight warm fuzzy feeling I had was soon replaced by another more familiar one: irritation. It seems the few minutes I spent shooting the breeze enabled millions (well, dozens actually) of other drivers to clog up the roads and generally make the trip back slightly more stressful. Furiously factoring dropping by the photo store to the time spent getting home, I was quite distracted and quickly lapsed into auto-drive, which I'm sure commuters the world over recognise.

Got home in good time actually, and managed to drop off my negatives in time for them to be ready in an hour. My sister was cooking by the time I arrived, so quickly changed and started to look for my degree (which I thought I lost, somehow). Managed to squeeze in a quick chat with the girlfriend too (ain't life beautiful?) and had a load taken off my shoulders...also started to plan my trip over to her place. With any luck, Australia after that! Yay! Finished talking to her (Mondays are bad for her too, the poor girl) and resumed looking for my degree. After much hufffing and puffing, finally found it hiding behind the bookcase.

All in all, a slightly tiring but okay day. Feel much better..especially since Healing week is still on. Ahh...this will sound soo corny..but ain't love grand? Anticipate a good night's sleep after this. Peace, folks!
