Monday, June 23

Oh dear God. Am reminded once again why I don't really buy the papers anymore. Every morning it's either death (served in several varieties), rape, or endless political posturing..from all sides. Yet, every single day I surf on, hoping to see at least a glimmer of good news. Or doesn't good news sell anymore? Must we instead rely on sordid stories of murders, crime de passionel and who did what with who's digital camera? Maybe that's why I like the Fortean Times so much. Or even the Onion. Escapism, it's true, but sometimes, after all that blood, guts and politics, you just need a little light reading.

In a lighter vein, Order of the Phoenix is out! Shall I join the throng? Or will I wait until the fever subsides? Either way, I KNOW I want one.

Holy cow. Just got an email from the dean calling all the interviewees for the lecturership. Damn. This never happened senior colleagues all just went for interviews and got confirmed 3 months later. Am very very worried, because if we don't get the post, it means we'll all be stuck as tutors until they see fit to send us for our doctorates..which could be anywhere from 1-3 years away..not to mention being bonded for an additional SEVEN years. Living on my salary until then? I don't think so.

Will keep updating as it happens. Wish me luck, people.

Plug o' the day is:

Digital Fugue
