Wednesday, June 18

Interesting evening yesterday. Turns out one of the people on another forum I go to is a news producer for NTV7. Naturally piqued, I scheduled a little meeting thing at coffee bean near parade. Would have been a dinner thing, but she had a meeting to go to..UMNO General Assembly around the corner and what not. Very pleasant mid 30s lady, married, but definitely cool. So we spent about an hour and a half shooting the breeze about things ranging from the state of the news in Malaysia to why TV3 chooses to resize it's viewing window so that a Tongkat Ali ad can show. And of course, at the same time, I was able to get some inside scoop on what goes on behind the scenes at NTV7..which is definitely worth the coffee.

Ah..good company. SO hard to find, and when I usually do, turns out they're older. Most of the time. I guess in some fundamental way, that's my flaw. I somehow cannot relate to my age set. It's like we live on two different platforms in two different universes. Or something. Still, at the end of the day I suppose it's how comfortable I am with myself. And frankly, my dear Scarlett, I don't give a damn. So what if I'll die alone in my apartment and be eaten by my cats? At this stage in my so called young life, I figure I'm not doing too bad. Although pining for a girl 8000km away WOULD be considered bad in some circles.

Anyways, now I finally understand why I was always a hit with the senior girls and not my own batch. They would always compliment me on being.."mature" for my age. I never DID actually get it, since I had no idea I was mature in any way. Hell, if I was so mature, I wouldn't act like I had a couple screws loose all the time. Erk. All I know is I was and still am, a geek. Too late to turn back now, but I think it's an okay situation.

Ah. That should be just long enough. Later, people.
