Tuesday, June 24

A quick morning post. HaloScan is down today, but at least they were nice enough to leave a message explaining the nature of the problem and also post a quick workaround so that our pages won't load so slow. That may not mean much to most people, but to a seasoned web user like me, it makes all the difference. It's the effort, and for a free service, providing that even when you don't have to, ensures that your users will return and perhaps even try your paid product.

Okay. Enough plugging the company. Now have to concentrate on the predicament I'm in. Still hunting for scholarships, and there are a wealth of options. What I don't really have much of, is time. Most of these scholarships require a complete proposal by October this year, and for a new lecturer-wannabe, that means researching your field of study and coming up with an idea that is good enough to be considered for a place in the university of your choice. Sounds easy, until we factor in the fact that most people take up to a year for preparation. I have about...oh 4 months.

Damn. Stuck between a rock and a hard place...being a measly tutor or running the risk of flunking my PhD?? Urgh..

Later, folks.
