Wednesday, July 2

It's for me.

A colleague happened to glance at my blog.
His first question: "Do you think anyone reads this?"
My answer: "No one has to. The blog always has been, and always will be, for me..."
Him: "Then what's the point? No one's gonna read it anyway, so why you bother?"
Me: "Not every blogger's out for fame or readership, you know. It's just nice to have a sounding board of sorts for my thoughts."
Him: "You're weird."
Me: "Tell me something I don't know." (grinning)

Apparently, the notion of working on something just for the sake of it, hasn't occurred to my esteemed colleague. And yes, it doesn't really matter if anyone reads my posts..I'm just happy to be able to put my thoughts somewhere besides my brain..cause real estate is damn expensive!
