Thursday, June 26

Since am feeling whimsical, shall now post in the style of B. Jones, wanton sex goddess. However, must also remember that self is not a sex goddess, although may be wanton. Have just come back from meaningless day at office, where majority was spent trying to finish notes for v. ungrateful students. Grr. However, since am filled with newly-found sense of public duty and so forth, will do the best to ensure said students can excel in chosen course.

Ahem. Although v. worried about current status of career., am finding self somehow filled with strange hope. Mum and Dad must have done something right to give birth to absolute optimist. Reminder to self: get appropriate Thank You cards and send home immediately. Must also remember to pen nice, fuzzy feeling inducing notes in cards so as to get appropriate effect.

Comments left in blog by visitors v. much appreciated. Shows that am on right track, although may be wandering a little. Again, newly found status as Singleton still needs some warming up to. Expect things to get better as we go along. Too tired to post thought-provoking/debate inducing entry tonight. After dinner, shall relax and enjoy post-meal gaming session on PS2. Ahhh.
