Thursday, July 17

Oh What Stories She Tells

"Think of the beach"
my friend tells me
The spray
salt tang on your
like a kiss

don't forget the sand
she says
sand (grit?) between your toes
little pieces
coral (life?)
silica, life, death

and your hair (no hair?)
she giggles, it should whip across your face
because (as you know}
hair is like that
at the beach

an aside:
funny how laughter
always peals
like a bubbling brook (water?)
peals like a bell (in books) and poems
such as this
but often
different in real life

the waves
they tell stories
she says, and my
friend is sad

because no one listens
and so she cries
(like the sea and waves)
because everyone
but no one listens
