Friday, September 19

Friday, And I'm Off To The Beach

Hello folks. Tomorrow's the faculty Family Day, and as head of the activities committee, I'm off to Port Dickson this afternoon to set things up. Tons of things to do, but at least I'll have people I trust around me (to do the job properly, at least). Now I only hope the weather holds. I should be back on Sunday barring any complications. So again, to everyone out there in the blogiverse, bookiverse or whatever passes for your home, have a good weekend and DO try to be safe.

Oh, and I'd like to use this space to wish an early Happy Birthday to meesh. Have a good one, dearo and be sure to take piccies. And yes, we still owe each other coffee.
Right. I should be off now, since there are things to do, the world to save etc etc.

