Tuesday, August 10

The Great Ash.Ox Coffee Giveaway

Okay, since I'm incapable of multiple orgasms (not in the one-after-the-other sense anyway) I thought I'd make it up by posting another entry. This time, I offer to my gentle readers (yes, the three of you CAN also join) a bit of a puzzler:

“Lelaki yang tinggal di sebuah rumah teres di kawasan perumahan Bukit Rimau serta memiliki sebuah kereta Mercedes E Class dan Proton Perdana V6...Ada kalanya dia mengutip RM1,000 sehari dan menjalankan *********** kira-kira empat atau lima kali sehari. Bagaimanapun dia tidak ********* setiap hari,” katanya sambil menambah.."

The first one to guess what our guy's particular profession is, gets a Gmail invite and a free coffee treat from me, no questions asked! And if you don't drink coffee, you can also choose from the glorious choice of tea or (me!) another beverage of choice!

Entries via comments only! Thanks to the doc for the idea!
