Tuesday, August 10

Three's Company

Is it just me or has it been really, absolutely hot these past few weeks? Every night this stifling wave of near-superheated air envelops the apartment and it's gotten to the point that I swear I can feel steam rising off my body when I take my shower. Really.

It's at this point in time that my seldom-used (seldom because electricity bills are a bitch) A/C unit gets switched on with anything approaching a regularity. One good thing about super warm weather is anything I hang out to dry gets that way really, really fast. One bad thing is I get dry really fast too.

On the way home after dinner a few days ago my sister related a story she found a little disturbing, and which I found well, interesting. It concerned a collegemate of hers, a girl from Indonesia who after hooking up with her boyfriend and dating for the past several months decided to move in together. This in itself isn't really surprising or disturbing.

What was interesting was the fact that in the house that they now live in, they also share a bedroom with the boyfriend's friend. The other tenants are also boys. If by now something doesn't strike the gentle reader as being a little odd, let me just clarify:

The loving couple regularly sleep in the same room as another guy. Now granted, I'm no prude, but being the only female in a house full of boys puts a person in a slightly precarious position. For one thing, let's assume the relationship is also sexual (again, this is an assumption). How does one deal with this, unless copious amounts of trust and loyalty are present? Then again there are the sleeping arrangements, and one can only wonder what it's like if said other roomate needs to go into the room to change and the pair is getting, shall we say, amorous?

Still, all this is conjecture at this point. For all we know, the other boys are all respectful and understanding of their housemates' situation (as is actually often the case), and the particular other roomate opts to sleep outside more often than not, which while being a noble gesture, isn't really a practical one. I refrain from passing any kind of judgement for now, simply because I lack more information (and if it comes across that I was judgemental in my phrasing, please let me know) but I have to say, lewd thoughts of menage a trois aside, this is highly interesting.

Still, whatever rocks your boat, I say. And as always, even though I know the chances of said couple reading this are extremely low, I think that we can all agree that

if you can't be good, be bloody careful.

That's it for today. I'll see you guys tomorrow with Midweek Movie Madness: Kiyoshi Kurosawa's Cure!



Geek link o' the day:
A veritable treasure trove! Digital copies of MIT Theses 1888 to the present available here! Whilst not complete, it's a huge help for us budding researchers (no grants though!).
