Saturday, April 12

Hahahahah! Managed to sneak in a final blog update! Am now in the office, on a Saturday, waiting for lunch and the inevitable trip of doom. Obviously couldn't resist dropping one more line before am whisked off into oblivion. Hope the rest of you travellers have a good week well.. be safe..and for those of you in SARS-affected countries, wear a mask! Take care, people..the journey continues on the next thrilling and exciting webisode (I hope you get this one) of...The Strange and Magnificent Adventures of the Insane Ox! (Well. Okay. Not so magnificent and strange. But they are to me...heheh).

Ahem. For now.. back to the office..the camp..and the real world. Miss my kittens already. Bye, Buttons, Truffles and Matsutake/Chanterelle!

Later! ( 5 days!!)
