Wednesday, April 23

Hey people. Just a short update. Am currently quite bored at the office..seeing that I've almost finished up everything I need to do today. Since there'll be a meeting of sorts this afternoon..might as well take a little break. Ugh..hate myself for being so lazy..but I guess that's what happens when you get mood swings. And to top it off, left my bar of kitkat which my sis bought for me at home (which may be a good thing). Definitely don't need anymore calories. Oh well..enough rambling for now. Back to pseudo-work. Later, folks!

L'oiseau que tu croyais surprendre
Battit de l'aile et s'envola-
L'amour est loin, tu peux l'attendre;
Tu ne l'attends plus- il est là.
Tout autour de toi, vite, vite,
Il vient, s'en va, puis il revient-
Tu crois le tenir, il t'évite,
Tu veux l'éviter; il te tient

from Carmen, the Opera.

Stumped? Here's the translation:

The bird you caught by surprise
Beats its wing, and off it flies.
Love ignores you, you wait and mope,
Then there it is-when you give up hope.
Love's all around you. Quick, quick!
You have no man, or you have your pick.
Think you've found love?
It turns you down cold.
Think you've escaped it?
It has you in its hold.
