Friday, September 26

The Crassness of It All

So now we have another cutesy, lovey little ad campaign going on. You know which one I mean. The one that goes "There's this girl in college. Pretty, but..."

Eww. What is the deal with all these whitening ads?

"And then I saw her, light playing on her FAIR, rosy face.." Oh yeah. Stick it to us with a blunt hacksaw why don't you.

Regardless of personal preference, this whole 'fairer is better' craze has to stop. What, we'll have to spend bushels of money just to get somewhat 'rosier'? What if you're dark all over? Does this mean you have to slather the miracle cream on your whole body? I'd be damn spooked if my partner had a white face and dark everything else.


Fairer, whiter, rosier..this has to stop. This whole ridiculousness has to stop. But then again I'm just me. Thanks to their masterful marketing strategy, I'm sure the product will do very well.

Can I just do it one more time?

