Friday, January 23

So Much For The Afterglow

It's 1 am on the second day of Chinese New Year. The reunion's done, vast amounts of food have been ingested as well as copious amounts of laughter, and everyone's so, so tired. I'm supposed to sleep sometime soon, but I think I'll ramble on for a bit. On the whole it's been a very good celebration, with happy faces and mostly happy memories. There were some of those twinges especially during the day when the cousins were with their respective partners, but thankfully I was kept busy enough that I didn't have time to concentrate. Maybe later.

I'm at as much peace as I can be, for now. So far the "taking it one day at a time" approach is working fine, and I hope it stays that way, at least until she leaves. Can't believe it's only about two weeks away. I know I'll miss her terribly, and I know it'll take some time till my life settles again, but I'm pushing for the PhD thing, and who knows? I might be leaving in a couple months.

Till then, I'll squeeze every last day to its fullest, thanking God for the small favours and working hard for the big ones. And better than any angpow packet is those Pockets Of Bullet Time. Thank God for those, too.

Good night, you. Hope you had as much fun as I did.
