Friday, January 16

Today's Episode Has Been Brought To You By The Letter "I"

It's been a long day, but one that ended on a surprisingly mild note. Was hard at work throughout the morning and afternoon, balancing exam papers, thesis submissions, an unstable emotional state and various other items. By the time I left the office, I was just eager to land on a couch somewhere and sleep.

That was shot to shit, but in a good way. Jo called and invited me for a gaming sleepover. Haven't had one of those in awhile, so was quite excited. So what's a gaming sleepover? It's basically several hours of solid PS2/Xbox gaming followed by another couple hours sleep. This is why I'm in front of the monitor at 1.30 am, waiting for a wave of drowsiness big enough to swallow me and take me to whatever land single mixed up Taureans dream of. The adrenaline from Ghost Recon is just about subsiding, and I'm happily wallowing in the afterglow.

It's a hectic semester, but I'm determined to at least try and get my PhD affairs over and done with ASAP. There's a lot riding on this be it careerwise, emotionally and even physiologically (I think). The destination, God willing will be somewhere in NZ or Australia. Even if it IS a long shot, all we can do is try.

And try I will. Or maybe try isn't the right word. Maybe we need something more concrete, so at the end of tonight's ramblings we turn as usual to the wisdom of the Jedi:

"Do, or do not. There is no try."

I happen to think so too. Amazing what little green puppets can tell you, isn't it? Good night, and God bless.
