Wednesday, April 23

Yawn. Just finished watching CSI, where as usual, I am entertained, intrigued and also taught new things. Quality entertainment, if I do say so myself. Been an interesting day, but slightly tiring. And this even though I missed my gym appointment! May have been the gloomy weather, which more often than not stimulates the sleep centres in my brain. That and the fact I almost got squished by a falling tree makes me just want to fall into bed. Oh well..a good night's sleep is always welcome.

Had another moment of clarity today. Happened while I was talking to her on Yahoo.. actually connecting for the first time in weeks. It's like they say in those quotes you find all over the net and the songs you hear: it's not about possessing or keeping. I've come to realise and accept that as much as I want her to be mine, I can't force it, or the magic that brought us together in the first place will be lost. In all probability I may never get her back and she may find someone else...but as the days go by, that point becomes less and less important. What's important, to me at least, is that I can still love her. the way I like to think only I know how...and man, is it real. How else do you explain the strange feeling that makes you want to see her happy even if it's not with you? Or the way a simple laugh on her part makes you feel like a million bucks?

I don't think I can ever explain what happened in me these weeks. What I do know is that there's a certain sweetness that comes when you do something out of love. And though the parting may hurt (it usually does!) the thought of her being safe and enough to make this Bull's day. In the end, what else can I ask for? Goodnight, world. Sleep tight, now.
