Thursday, May 8

Hey people..just a short update. Been a tiring day, what with the interview and all. Surprisingly, all that nervousness turned out to be quite unwarranted. It wasn't exactly a breeze..but I think I made a good enough impression to make them all want me to stay at the faculty. At least I think that's what I did. I now have a TON of other work to do, but I think it'll be worth it.

In other news, I got an invite to go to Redang for my birthday. It's gonna cost about three hundred bucks for a twin sharing room. Trouble is, the other people going are all couples..and I hate to be a fifth wheel. The place is nice, romantic...beautiful..and I'll be alone. *Sigh* it sounds tempting..but I don't know if I'm willing to put myself through that. Of lesser importance is the cost. I may have to forsake my GBA..and that's a slightly frightening thought. Oh well.. I guess I'll have to make a decision of my own by this weekend..

So what now? It's 10 pm..and I think I'll have an early night. Maybe a quick peek into the memory house..pull up one of those memories when we used to talk..for hours. They're some of my faves... I have a few of those. I could really use someone to listen right now. I guess I'll take you, blog. Better than nothing.

Good night, folks. May the weekend see you safe. God bless.
