Sunday, May 4

Sunday evening. It's been one hell of a hot day, with the sun blazing down on us unfortunates as early as 8 am, which sucks. Got up early, went to Kajang to meet with my friends..and just generally hung out. Turned out to be quite alright..which brings me to the conclusion that I can take him in small doses but not for a very long time frame. It was good to see some of them though, since I've been out of touch for the better part of a year or so. It ended up that we couldn't go anywhere since it got so hot..until our hungry stomachs overruled our brains and we decided to get some chow. Got back around 3-ish and was already so drowsy that I dropped off into a deep dreamless nap..which I awoke to the sound of my sister telling me I had a phone call. Hot, disoriented and sweaty, I stumbled to the phone and found my ex on the line (yeah folks, I can say she's my ex without flinching now) telling me about her weekend. Seems like she had fun, I suppose..what with 2 piercings in the same amount of weeks, hair change and also the insane amount of partying she's done. Well, I forget that she's still technically a college student..and therefore must not be denied the gigs, parties and what-have you that come with the job. Damn I feel old. Seems like so long ago when I did some (not piercings) of those things meself.

Anyway..there's a long break coming up starting with my birthday..and Johan's invited me along to his company's retreat in PD. They're renting apartments.. and he's also suddenly keen to introduce me to a number of girls. Which I appreciate, of course. Seems they're a couple from his office he wants to introduce me to. I find it kinda weird, since these girls will be 4-5 years older than I am at least. Not to mention they'll be earning 5 times as much. Quite scary, actually. And another friend gave me the email address of this spanish-mix girl in Kelana. Told me to try my luck. She's been we'll see where this goes. Or doesn't go.

Well I guess that's it for today..there'll be an interview this week so I'd better get my shit together. Yeah..hopefully this will get me the raise I really need. Later folks. Goodnight.
