Wednesday, December 3

Interesting Developments

Funny how things work out sometimes. My younger brother (whom I have a niggling suspicion is actually smarter) told me yesterday he's finally decided on what to do with his life after SPM. He wants to be a sound/music engineer. I guess that shouldn't surprise me too much, coming from someone who taught himself how to play the piano just by downloading stuff from the net. The guy's got an aptitude for music (and games, LoL) and I don't see any reason I should discourage him from this particular path. Besides, he may even come in handy when my multimedia empire finally comes to fruition, heheh.

Of course, there's a leetle glitch (as always): my mother's not too fond of the idea. It's only natural, I guess since her other son decided to grow up and be completely different than what she imagined (and most probably'll end up with a wife that's even more different :p). And then there's that strange socio-religio-political cloud that permeates my hometown. Having spent most of his childhood there, my brother realised he's yearning to go somewhere else. Maybe a place where it's less complicated, where people aren't too quick to judge you based on what you wear or how you act. I recognise that urge, cause it's the same one that caused me to skip town at the tender age of thirteen.

It's going to be difficult for him, if only because my mum's strictly ultra-conservative now and maybe she sees it as being...unreligious? Let's not even go there. All I can do for now is do the brotherly thing and support him. I've got faith in his brains and his tendency to actually work hard (since I'm more of a planner, hehehe) to know whatever field he decides to jump into, he'll probably do well. It might not turn out to be for him in the end, but knowing he's also a Taurean I'm sure he'll put in his damned best.

And I guess that's the most we can ask of anyone.

Responsibility's a tough act, and one that demands the utmost commitment. At times like these however, it's a welcome distraction from the gaping hole that's still very much present in my life. Every little bit helps, I guess.

Have a good midweek, folks.
