Saturday, February 21

More Hung Goodness

Right. It seems the world's still not done with Idol-reject William Hung. After getting booted off the show caustically by Judge of Doom Simon Cowell, the bloke seems to have gotten even more fame. Latest news comes courtesy of Yahoo! Some people are just destined for fame, I guess.

Which brings me to my own somewhat "perasan" attempts at singing. The first Kotaraya Karaoke Bash (well the second actually, if you count the one held loong ago last year) ended late this afternoon, and was considered to be a modest success, i.e everyone had fun (or at least seemed to). Attendees included my close friend Jo, Hani, Joliekins, Khalil and also Prema. Not as many as I'd expected, but I'm sure there'll be other KKBs in the future :-). It was exactly what I needed after a long week of dealing with student problems, thesis markings and my attempts at securing a PhD. All in all a nice little Saturday. Now I desperately need some sleep if I'm going to be able to wake up early to beat the jam to MidValley tomorrow. Another edu fair is on, and I want to bring my brother there.

In other news, Ju-on 2 seems to be screening in cinemas already. I may decide to peek. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
