Monday, February 23

Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Sex And The City Finale!

Okay, you people are really going to hate me. Thanks to this news-break from Yahoo! the world now knows the final fate of our favourite New Yorker Ms Carrie Bradshaw and her crew. Yup (as I always expected she would), she ends up with the mysterious Mr Big in the end. I can't tell you all exactly why this brings a smile to my face (since it would be weird, but I'll just tell you it involves artists) but I'll say it's a fitting end to the series as Big comes to her rescue (yet again!) and we finally learn his first name. Nah, I won't tell you here. Go and read the article yourselves. You'll also find out what happens to Sam, Miranda and Charlotte.

In a way, this news IS a bit disheartening. SATC has provided hours and hours of titillation, entertainment and education (in no way a small feat!) and I really am going to miss it. Still, executives say there might be a movie to tie up other loose ends and that can only be a good thing (if done right). So, while we're all waiting breathlessly for the DVDs to come in (I know I will) we'll just have to content ourselves with the thought that for all her trials and tribulations, Carrie finally finds her niche (and love!) in life. And if ever-problematic Carrie Bradshaw can, perhaps there's still hope yet for us other Singletons in the world.

Now if only our friendly neigbourhood pirates will get the rest of the seasons here ASAP!
