Warning: Walrus
I had one of those dreams again, last night.
When I woke up, there was a nasty taste at the back of my mouth, and my teeth were on edge. I felt more tired than I did going to bed, and that was after a near two hour swim. I've got a long way to go, apparently. The trouble with these types of dreams is that they never seem to need any trigger - they just happen; and when they do, they make this huge splash in your otherwise undisturbed, coping life (we all cope, don't YOU?) and throw some things out of whack just enough to irritate the hell out of you.
Yes, yes. It's over. I got the point, bought the t-shirt and moved on - apparently in the Department of Lost Dreams And Wishes, Section 12, Universal Karmic Judiciary they still haven't heard. I swear it's almost personal.
In other news, I have re-discovered a potentially addictive activity: attempting to swim. I admit, I have a bare minimum of swimming expertise (with most of the training provided ad-hoc by a close friend) and never had the time for organised classes; so when my sister suggested we try a certain community centre near my place, I jumped at the opportunity.
Two days later, I still ache all over - but I haven't felt this good in ages. So good in fact that I snuck an hour of said activity today with my brother, fully intending to come back for more. A word of warning - you may want to stay away from said community centre. It's not a pretty sight when I'm there, heheh.
I think I'll chalk this to another excellent way you can spend your RM 2. Anyway, the Shang calls tomorrow, and there's a whole lot of work to do - plus I have an exchange I'm looking forward to later that evening.
MmMmm. Good night, folks.
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